Whooops - the thread jumped 5 pages .... :wackonut: (Lotsa catchiong ups to do --- as usual

As annoying as Cha-Aim was, Mint got the second spot on TVPoll. (Ann's back at No. 1

Thanks for the news. Wow, I'm very surprised! I'm so proud of Mint. So happy for her! ^__^ I've always liked her acting. Except for her role in PLR, but it ranked her into the TOP! Finally!!! :dance2:
thanks for the pictures;;;
Mint doesn't look too bad with Alex...AHem ahem Mak you have competition ahah
I see why Mak has a crush on Mint;;she's gorgeous and cute ahhaha
thanks again
LOL, I agree. Mark does have competition now

I read an article about Alex going to see Yaya at her condo, something like that in the previous pages here too. I think the newbies/younger generation at CH3 do hang around alot with each other that makes them fond of one another before working with each other.
but I can only see Nadech with Yaya and Mint with Mark - alex looked a bit too "youthful" looking. Doesn't match with Yaya or Mark. Or because I'm already thinking that Yaya and Mint already crushing on Nadech and Mark?????
Mint is cute but PLR really didn't give her any justice. She is better than the script
Yes, it's true Alex is youthful looking. He hasn't developed in that manly body/structure yett. But I'm adore him very much, I love aLEX regardless :wub: But I think that is why it's been hard for most fans to see him as praek and take one that role. He is very small unlike most praeks, but he is still young. He still has time to develop and grow.
I totally agree with PLR not giving Mint any justice *AMEN!! :gungirl:
She is such a good actress.
Going through the pix on previous pages - thanks
ceci and everyone else for sharing all those pix and clips! :wub:
May I ask if you gals can put maybe like a max of 5 pix in one post ? Coz my connection might be slow at times and it'll take some time to load all those pix.
Thanks again!
No problem. I'm glad to. Yes, I am still posting more pics so I will do that, no worries kha ^__^