omg...i was gonna come here and post 1st cuz i just finish watch eps. 13-14 but i went to Bi's thread 1st and got/and still am sooooo....excited with the news... :w000t:
ok back to the movie, these 2 eps. are tear-jerkers...
espeicaly eps.14 i balled-my-eyes out throughout the whole 1hr but the ending *sniffe* he is really...really a mean man...why is he so could he just do that, and after what his brother said...tis...tis...Bokgu-ah...tis...tis...why?!...
i really hope that the endin is a good one... not like Sangdoo *gasp* and i just found out the ending to Sangdoo and saw a clip of it also...*sniffe*
but i'll still order the DVD as soon as i save up some $$$
I'm soo in love with Hye Kyo Noona in Full House
There were a great couple in that drama, and then Bi act in this new drama with Shin Mina.(I cried out Badly) -(lol)
Bi is very hot in this drama, so strong, so wild ... (I might have fall for him if I wasn't a boy)
Shin mina act quite good But I still prefer Hye Kyo Noona.