oh this girl :loool: :loool: :loool: :loool: :loool: :loool: :loool: it's actually interesting to hear about where this girl came from, she shure knows how to market herself. we'll see how long her stardom will last, but she's got it down, sex sells. she has the brain to make it where she is, i just wish she had more brains to truly represent where she came from. hahhaa... tila tila. dani still cute, she just gotta get a fix on her hair.
I know what you mean. The way she markets herself will only get her so far, if she wants to be a real actress or singer she needs to tone it down a bit because no one in the industry is going to take her seriously. They'll take one look at her and from all the work she's done already assume she's just a music video girl, you know the kind you see in low budget rap and Hip hop videos.
i seriously dont find her pretty at all..she somewhat remind me of ET...sorry...lol

That's kinda true. I'm from Houston and I know people who've met her in person, they said she seems pretty nice but she's not nearly as pretty in person.
Not all bi's go for men, normally bi's realize they're actually straight or gay.
I still think it's a sham though because I noticed how she dressed and acted around the lesbian families and the guy's families was different. When she visited Dani's friends and family she got really freaky, she was doing a pole dance for Dani's firefighter friends. C'mon, who does that sort of stuff to close friends of a potential boyfriend or girlfriend? It sends out the wrong message and it's disrespectful towards the person you're with.
But when she was with the guys' families, she was more reserved. She'd do a pole dance for Dani's friends but when she was upstairs in that other guy's room she was worried about the parents downstairs. :huh: