I think it would depend on who the star is and what they do because in you are always in the media eye's...it's stressful and your life is out in the open
I remembered back in "03", i went to July 4th...it was a pretty exciting time for me cause i was hoping to meet a few of my favorite bands. I thought it would be cool and awesome to just say "Hi, how are you guys"? and show my support. Well, i rather not say any name or band because it was so long ago and it was never my intention to be his girlfriend, wanting to be his girlfriend or anyone else's girlfriend. I know my limit and what i want as a boyfriend, but he got the wrong impression and thought i was interested. Anyhow, one of his friend was talking to me and ask for my number, but i wouldnt give it him because he's a jerk...not someone you would want to talk to. I guess they were in a rush to go somewhere or do something so he (the guy from the band) came over...tap his friend on the shoulder and say, I repeat..."dude, why are you wasting time on such a local girl when you can have the hot babes standing over there". He looked at me and say..."someone like you could never be with us cause you're just not what we are looking for". From that moment on, the excitiment and interest in seeing my favorite band just vanish into thin air...no more favorite band. I do still supoort and like a lot of other bands, but just not passionate enough to meet them or talk to them in person...maybe just a glance from a distance
I hope you guys have better luck with the stars than i do..hehe..!!