ur gonna have to upload ur pix somewhere first and then when posting click on the img icon under the Fonts drop menu. if u mouse over the icons it's the one dat says Insert Image and a lil window pops up sayin Please enter the URL for this image. then u enter da url of ur uploaded image and click ok.Could someone tell me how to post with pix in here? I haven't done this for a long time now and I don't know how. Thanks.
hahaha i really hate it when guys slap in lakorn. i don't get y da directors make dem slap when it's just as easy to punch lol dat scene where phariang was feeding ohng-in was awkward too LOL oh my garsh he coulda fed himself LOL dunno what da director was thinkin man. aww today no lakornhaha Diamend, dat look on Ing-fa's face when petch-thae kissed her hands!! Classic!!! she's like, eehhh just cut my arms off plzzzzzzz!!! what a bitch slapper!! i mean cmon...captain's face was probably more pissed dat he got bitch slapped than punched!!! LMAO!!
can u rephrase da question? i don't get what ur tryin to ask me lolDiamend,
Can you tell me what's da url of ur? I have no ideas what that is. Thanks.
if it's a pic u found from a site then u right click dat photo then click onWhat am I supposed to type in when it asks me to type URL Image? I don't know what that is.
aw u so lucky. i'm stuck here doin school workHi Bou! Im more than happy to help out a fellow fan! Its gonna be great to follow her upcoming work! Pim na ruk maak maak!!! If you hear of any upcoming lakorns for her plz let me in on it okay....and I'll do the same if I find out any news. Keep in touch k
Hi Diamend! Sooo sad no artitarn ruk todaybut hey, Im catching the next flight to florida to go boating for the wkend so I can't complain LOL
That will take my mind of off bitch slapping petch-thae myself LMAO!!!! Everyone have a great wkend and we'll see you all in the next ep!!!!!!!!! only 2 more left