There are a lot of factors that determine whether you are ready for sex. The first thing you failed to mention is your age.
You stated you have been dating since July 4th (07/04/2008)... now it is 11/12/2008... which means you have been official for about 4 months.
I know you stated you knew each other for a year plus. But you haven't had any expectations from him until 4 months ago. So you don't count the rest. You should see if he's a good friend. Is he there for you when you need him. HOw does he handle you when you are unreasonable or on the rag. Stuff like that? How is he when you have problems at home and need his help? Yes, he's your best friend, but now he's a boyfriend and you need to see how he handles things. Sex should be a reward, not an expectation (not until you are married.. 555)
If you are in high school... you should try to wait. Of course it depends on your educational goals and aspirations. Since this is your first relationship, he may not be your last. I may be old school, but you should be sure if he's the one to share it with.
It gets harder to find someone who will share the struggles and hardships of life particularly when men are from mars and women are from venus that you have to add the factor of being a non-virgin. There is a fine line from being a strict anal rententive girl who wont' give it up... (guys hate that) to a girl who will, but to the right man and the right time (that is hawt with the capital H).
It's rare to find someone who is a virgin and I don't live in a imaginery world to think that people fall in love with virgins. So don't get me wrong.
Obviously, you have gone to first base, 2nd base already. In the heat of the moment, you might want to give it up and screw the thinking and logic of being a virgin, but it has a lasting impression. Be sure you are comfortable with your decision. It's a myth to hear about people have sex with 6 or more partners in a lifetime. Those who have slept with more than a few have other things to worry about. I could tell you more about those things, but let's keep it short.
Who you give it to should be special and should have earned it. Why do you think movie stars have failing marriages? Sex is something you should share and keep for that special person. LUST is when you do it in the heat of the moment. Do not mix lust and love. Once you give it up... also remember that it doesn't mean sex is less valuable. Those who lost it once, start to think, who cares and share it with everyone.
With that in mind... I could write an novel on this. I'll save it to lecture my future child. :^P But if you have someone a little older than you that you respect and can provide information and who knows you better, that would be the best route. Of course, I assume that because you don't, you have resorted to asking Sarnies.
In the end, all this maybe in vain. So just remember to use a condom. If you are really shy, but want to go all the way. Here are two things to go purchase. KY Jelly and two condoms.
When the time comes, pull out the condom and give it to him. He'll be shocked and surprised, but dayam will he be happy. If he refuses... or says he can't feel anything. Then I would head for the door, ( dont' forget to put your clothes back on correctly... i hate when i put my shirt on inside out 555).
The condom will be louder than anything you would have to do. And I'm sure you dont' want to go ahead and say, "Go ahead honey, please stick it in.". I know that ain't sexy, but that would work too.
How to get the condom? If you are asking that, I would again tell you it's not time.
I vote for abstinence until you are atleast 21 and have dated for atleast a year. But again, LUST is hard to fight and so far you two have done a good job. Considering you both are new to this, it's at least safe that he won't give you any STDs. But then again, that's an assumption he is shy and doesn't know what he's doing.
Remember, some men value their virginity too and the impact of you not being the one for them could also hurt them. Being the mature one based on gender, you have to make the best decision for both you and him if you truly love him.