Of course it's an insult to the Thai people back home as well as those around the world! Thai people are Thai people and they've been through a lot just to get where they are today. Only the rich are fortunate enough to not have to work hard to get a lot of money. Of course everyone wants a better life, who doesn't? But remember, Thailand is a 3rd world country, that's why everything is so cheap, including labor.
ok then aum wasnt wrong for saying the clothes was cheap? since it was cheap right?... she wasnt wrong but she shouldnt had said it right? it's not nice to be blunt.. and i do disagree when you said rich people dont work that hard.. everyone works hard.. rich people dont get rich from plucking money from the tree.. why do you think alot of rich sons and daughters have emotional problems? because alot of time their parents are too busy working to give them time..
The journalists are not making any of it up, they quoted Aump. And if it was false, Aump would have came out and denied it or sue. Instead, she came out and said that she reread the article and found nothing offensive at all. Plus, the press wouldn't even take the chance of misquoting someone because it hurts them even more than the person they are misquoting.
i didnt say the journalist made it up, where did i say that? did you missquote or missread my post?.. i did say aum gave the journalist an open door to bash her,i just asked did those people really was insulted or was it the journalist who wrote it on behalf of others.. and i said people do not hear the whole story, just what is out there.. journalist dont miss quotes but they certainly dont have to write the whole story down right?... actually i cant say journalist dont miss quote or dont make something up.. i mean kob did once got into this huge problem when some journalist lied and said she said something she didnt say.. right?
Of course! Copying other people's work is wrong. So why isn't Aump suing??? She should quit complaining and just sue. It's as easy as ABC! Nothing hard about that. She said that she designed it and got it done, she obviously she has proof. So why not sue???
gosh.. not everyone is sue happy.. complaining and whining is better then suing.. cus seriously.. if she did sue.. people would say "OH MY GOD AUM IS SOOO IMMATURE!"

lol you just cant win...
No one is wrong in defending themselves because it's their own opinion. But come on, millions of people against her? What are the odds that she'll win? Everyone has their own opinion to the right and wrong of things, but when one side weighs heavier than the other side, majority rules.
wow nongmam.. millions? gosh there are that many people who are THAT offended? it's a shame.. just one person's words can do that much harm and damage..... i would be more offended if she said poor people are disgusting and stinks... should i be offended if people say i wear too expensive shoes? i should.. it's insulting .... and also just because one side opinion's weight more does not necessary mean they are right.. opinions are opinions.. unless proven it can not be facts.. it stays an opinion and people just pick and choose what to believe..
It's understandable that she is mad that people copy her, but at least be a woman and sue instead of bitching and moaning about it. It's also understandable that she is mad, but that doesn't give her the right to degrade everyone else. And plus, in her last interview where she stated that she found nothing wrong with what she said... she starts crying and saying that she recently had teeth surgery. I mean, wtf?!? what does that have to do with her insulting people? She's trying to get sympathy from the people because she doesn't have a valid explaination.
so it is understandable that she's mad.. but she shouldnt whine and complain about it.. oh my... i'll remember that next time.. just sue.. it's the right way to do things..
anyways.. like i said.. she shouldnt had come out and say what she said.. but to be so insulted that people just have to come out and totally bash.. that was over the top funny.. by how people go about it.. i thought she conned people or something... as for the degrading... did she said poor people are this and that? or did she say those 100-200 clothings are cheap? cus i mean if you sit down and look at it from economic point of view it is cheap to people who could afford truck loads of it.. that wasnt a lie.. just wasnt extremely nice to let them know that tho..
another thing.. if your friends tell you to go to shop at a certain store cus the clothes are cheap, do you get offended? i dunno about others but for me.. i'd thank her and ask if she wants to go with me....