LMAO he's gon wear a fake mustache? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO y can't they let him grow out his own lolMore info on Por's character. Before Ja's mom died she ask Por to take care of Ja so he's her guardian. There is a mystery of Ja's mom death which may involve Ja's dad who wanted the will which is suppose to be Ja. So her mom want Ja and Por to get marry so he can protect her till she reach the age that she can take care of her own will. Por character is suppose to be an older man so he has to wore a mustache in here so it will make him look older. It's a drama style la korn. Yeah tinah Por is nearly 30 already so it's not so far away from his real age but i don't like the idea he has to wore a fake mustache in here though, they shouldn't make him wear it,it will just make him look weird. The story sounds interesting. So Por and Ja will always be together since he has to take care of her since she's young to when she gets older. Pra aek and nang aek relationship sounds sweet and warming. i like it. it will be a cute la korn.
Wow thats interesting with that plot summary. Oh fake mastach that will be funny. This will be a cute odd couple. Oh thats good that they chose Por for the P'ek cos the N'ek is very young and she need to have someone older to look after and take care of the N'ek.LMAO he's gon wear a fake mustache? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO y can't they let him grow out his own lol
eww... LMAO!LMAO he's gon wear a fake mustache? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO y can't they let him grow out his own lol