some of them, Erich is like one of those big examples of having a true filipina beauty. but i dunno i don't go with that matter. because it will only led to bashing comments like Kim's fans for example, she got fantards... lots of them. XD
5 days go when my internet wasn't down, our topic in Erich's thread was "whose more suitable to be Erich's mom in dramas".
so these are my bets though. they're all the veteran actresses, but the last one... i think she's not into showbiz anymore. but if she comes back, i hope she'll play one of those mommy roles of erich.
i go for how they look similar to Erich from angle to angle. the first one, she already became Erich's mom during her second drama "Tanging Yaman" (Only Treasured)
Agot Isidro. the second one, she already played as Erich's mom during her last drama "Magkaribal" (Rivals)
Angel Aquino. the third one, i want her to be the next one... but sad to say she's still got project with other young actresses,
Amy Austria. she's a veteran and she's really effective when it comes drama scenes. however, to her upcoming drama Erich will play Amy's character as the younger version since the drama will show some past scenes and conflicts about her role and how did Amy became a rebel. the fourth one, is everyone's bet. including me, my highly bet of all veterans and one of my fave actresses is
Chin-chin Gutierrez. she always play this n'rai mother roles. XD but very effective... love her scenes especially her acting when she's acts a bit paranoid over with some small matters. XD the last one is
Nanette Medved, i really like her during my childhood days and i started to like the philippine version of wonderwoman which is called here 'Darna' because of her.
i think Erich play so good to every character role she takes. i mostly love her scenes when she's encountering her mother. like with Agot, the mother-daughter relationship was there. in her last drama, turned upside down... because i saw the liberated daughter in her. when Angel was insulting her daughter's boyfriend, love the counter-attack of Erich's character in the scene it was even in english lines...