You're Average Person :)
credits magazinedee

That was Fluke's wife?? She's beautiful. What did he do? He must of had an affair... I didn't even know this.fluke is crazzzzyyyy. his wife is so damn fricken pretty! wayyyyy better than pang! how could he. ohh emm gee.
i know she does.shes really pretty.
in pictures # 1 and 3 she looks like Janie.
hear hear! i agree on that!she's pretty. fluke doesn't deserve her. she's too good for him.
Thank you. It's that Pang. She's Puri's ex-gf. Man I think Bow looks way better than her.yeah thats flukes ex wife. he cheated and things weren't going right i guess. so they split. ahha i say the main reason would be pang. ew. haha
bow was the last girl host for tee sip (At 10) =]
heres the picture of pang, http://www.sarnworld.com/discuzz/index.php...350&hl=pang