LOL! Pong just lovess to FLIRT (with Bee!), Hahahaaa. :wub: Bee is so cute, l0l! Pong is such a gayass, Faking about him arm or whatever so Bee would feed him! Haaa. If I was her I'd just walk away, l0l!

Pong is so happy to have Bee feed him although she was cruel at first trying to feed him sooo much at once, LOL! He so lameee, Trying to smell her hand instead of eating the noodles. It was cuteee though! Funny, How he always want to be with Bee but have to go places with the mom. Hahaaa! I skipped alot from yesterday and today's episode. Just watching the scenes of Pong and Bee together & skimming through now since I'm so tiredd! -.- LOL! They spent soooo much money on presents. Geesh rich people!

May and her moma are seriously getting on my last nerves! Ughhhhh! -.- I hate it when praek always blames nang'ek for stupid reason before knowing the truthes then try to makeup with him. So annoyinggg! Awwww, I thought they got caught in bed together! But they got together w/ the kidd, Haaa!

Tui really deserves to get that cut in the forehead, Haaa. Pong is such a meanie sometimes. -.-Yayy! Finally she slaps Pong, LOL! He always kisses her mouth to mouth, Haaa! :wub: Loveeee it! Finally another kiss too. I'm too addicted to Bee's song! The kiss seems real this time too, But I doubt it is. Haaa. I love all of Pong's kisses, Teheheee! :wub: I'm too jealous of Bee, She recieves alot of kisses from Pong from Talay Rissya to SongKramNangFah and NOW this lakorn!

Pang and Tui are pretty cute when they've got their moments together! Too bad that's like 1% outta of the lakorn so far. Tui seem so pissed at Pang, LOL. But he deserves it totally! Hahhaaa. Pang's hair color changed, It's darker than before now. -.- Tui is so ignorant! Grrrrr. He doesn't Pang's love for him at all!

My poor Girl! *sigh. He breaks her heart all the time! -.- Stooooopiddd guy, He's pointless. Pang can totally do better than keep waiting for his love. Those kind of guys irritates me so much. In the beginning they don't realize how much a girl likes/loves them but later they realize then go back to that girl. Geesshh! Tonglah is such a smartieee, LOL!

Pongg is soooo sexyyyy shirtless, Haaa! LOVE IT! *drooools.

He was looking at his own body too, LOL! So conceitedd, Haaa. But he knows he looks good and kisses reaaaal good too! LMAO, He even put his shirt on right in front of Bee. Hahahaaa! He seriously flatters me too much! :wub: Pong is so good at seducing Girls, Teheheee!

Loveloveeeeee all of Pong and Bee's scenes together! I love his smirk and smiles too. It was so cuteee when both of them was with TOnglah on bed. Pong was peeking at Bee the whole entire time, So cuteeee! Hahahaaa. The glances they take at each other! So flattering! Pong sure does love/likeee Bee so much!

They seem like such a happy, cuteee family! A reaaal family, They just need to add baby junior Pongg and it'll be Perfecto! LMAO. I love THAI PJ's!

They are just the cutest, I can't find any cutecute ones in America. Seriously! Pongg was super smileyyy when he was on the bed with Bee and Tonglah, He look suppppppercute like a little boy!<3 LOL. The dad is so funnyy, Pushing the mom away and on the bed to keep her distract Pong and Bee's good times. Hahahaa! LMAO, When I saw Tui sleeping outside of Pang/Bee's house. He look so stoopidd, LOL! Idk why he did that when he already has a his own house, Stupidd! LOL. Pang didn't even let him come inside but left him out there in the cold w/ a blankyy instead! LOLZ. Hahaaa, If I was Bee and Pong I would've slept my ass off already too. That kidd sure loves to readdd, LOL. It was soooooooo cute when TOnglah fell asleep too and he put together Bee and Pong's hand and his too! Lovelyy familyy indeed!

LMAO, The mom got sooooooo damnn pissed when she took off the blanket covers! Hahahaaa, Serves her right for her son to fall inlove with his sister in law's younger sister! LOL. But I'm surprised she didn't do anything to Bee, She was yelling at her that's all. Omggg! I can't wait for next week's episode too! (; Darnnn! I can't believe it's already THURSDAY! Grrrrrrr! -.- The swimming pool scene looks so good! But damnn, May just has to come ruin the moment! -.- Grrrrr. Pong sooooooo sexyy like always, SHIRTLESS OVER & OVER. LMAO!

He always be tryna' mess with Bee all the time, LOL!