Camel's Milk


Source: Camel's Milk

I read that it is really healthy and it is "rich in vitamins B and C and has 10 times more iron than cow's milk." though the taste is slightly saltier than regular cow milk. Western markets are asking for camel's milk from donors from the most part of Mid east.

It's cool they found that the milk is good for health, but their number one priority is just to get add more $$$ to the market - BUT...that's business nowadays and money is, of course, their only concern.

Would anyony actually try it in the future if it was to hit store shelves? I'd be a little, tad bit hesitant to try, but when you think about it, cow milk can be disgusting in a sense as similarly thought of camel's milk in that both are hairy animal's, except one has been the most common and "normal" animal to human beings. The fact of the matter is that camels are much much healthier to sonsume than that of cows. Scientists are making lab tests to prove and test that some forms in camel or its milk can help cure AIDS/HIV.

CAMELS ARE COOL!!! :w000t:


lol um i'd try it.. lol hell, um if we can drink milk from cows, camels' milk should be like our soybean drinks lmao

Wai Wai Noodles

Egg Drop Soup ( ~ _ * )
I couldnt even drink regular milk much less drinking it from a camel...

Though, I would love to try it...maybe just sip wise for personal experience ;)

Yay! LOL..0.0001 % more of iron added to my body :lol:


sarNie Juvenile
Wai Wai Noodles said:
I love soybean drinks, especially made by YEO'S ^_^


camels milk...that sounds yucky (to me =P)
i guess cow milk works as of now =P


sarNie Adult
I love Soy bean milk especially when they flavor it with something (don't know what you call it in English) and it makes the color green. For some reason though, I can't get into Americanized soy milk like Silk. One of my friends is lactose intolerant and he drinks it all the time or with cereal. I've intro'ed him to the Asian version and he likes drinking it but totally hates it with cereal or coffee.
Amira said:
really u tried it? where and when?
In Malaysia, in February 2006. They say that is good for ur health but so nasty.

Wai Wai Noodles

Egg Drop Soup ( ~ _ * )
I also like sipping on my soy bean drink while eating that long bready thing that you eat with pho or rice porridge....MMMM!!!