Car Accident


sarNie Hatchling
Last week I got into a car accident where I rear-ended someone. It's my first accident and my car is totaled. What will happend then. My insurance has accepted liabilty to the other party. Does this mean that I'm at fault? Forgot to mention, I live in California...

any advice is good..thank you


sarNie Adult
Sorry to hear bout accident..... are you okay??? I hope that you're not hurt that badly......

Yep.... that's your fault sorry to tell you that.... what kind of coverage do you have???? Depending on the your plan, if you have full coverage (varies with the amount you bought for your vehicle) they'll fix your car for you. And your premium will go up too.


Wanna-Be เจ้าชู้
Depends on the police report in terms of the amount of damage on the car, which should be reported if you said it was totally trashed.

So the consequence will be points on your driving license and increase car insurance.

Those are probably the two things that you'll have to deal with.


sarNie Adult
worse case senario = you are under your parent's umbrella insurance and the other party is injured. They can come after your parents.

best case senario = nobody is hurt and you just have to buy a new ride.


Staff member
well it depends on the insurance company too .. like I rear ended some car last year .. but thats because they had already hit someone and then their car popped back and I couldn't stop in time (highway) lol I was like 18 at the time muahah so I was freaking out because I thought I would be in trouble .. I had full coverage all was good.. but I had allstate .. so allstate has that beautiful accident forgiveness plan and I was found at fault...but not really I say this because I was found to be going normal speed limit when I hit them ..but my rate didn't go up...

and in your case yes you are found at fault .. the person who hits the other person regardless of the reason is always found at fault .. unless proven otherwise... and the reasons that would make your case look bad is if 1. your brakes were faulty 2. if you were going above the speed limit ... 3. If you did not slow through traffic =x
i think when you rear - end another person your the one's that wrong.... and for sure your insurance premium will most def go up.... you know the thing about car insurance the government doesn't force you to have it but yet u can get like ticket if u don't have it... that's so blah.... but i think insurance is good it's a safety's better to have it then not... lucky u have insurance...if not and that person got hurt or their car got total u'd be in hot water.... but hopefully everything works out for you...i know my advice doesn't make sense...cause i haven't been in an accident with other ppl except for myself.... so yea :mellow:


in my state all cars are required to have insurance regardless of the age of the car.

yeah it sucks to rearend someone... um and most likely the person who got hit will sue you... well i'm talking in terms of money, that is so much potential for the other party to get money, they claim they're hurt, sue you and get massive dough from either u, ur parents or the insurance company

as for yourself, yes your premium will go up, but stupidity i've noticed is regardless if it's your fault, if you don't have all state, your premium will go up, please take notice too... because even if you get only a speeding ticket, your insurance will hike.


sarNie Hatchling
thank you all for your inputs. I appreciate it very much. Thank God i have full coverage.