Let me tell you a story that just happen here in town last year...I am not going to name any names...and if anyone just happen to be related to this family...this is for reading only...am not intend to talk crap about anyone...
anyway, last year...there was a family here in town...the family was cooking in the backyard...I think she was boiling water in one of those outside boiler and at the same time, she went to pick up some veggie in her garden...she spoted a snake...instead of killing the snake or let it go...she grabbed the boiling water and pour it over the snake...the snake "nti nti thiab tawv hle tas" it took a long time for the snake to die...about a few months after that...the lady got sick....she was itchy all over her body...from head to toes...and then she started to peel....the peeling looked like that of a snake....she went to every doctor in town but they could not find anything that would have cause it...they have no idea..because they have never seen a case like that....and then she confessed that she tortured a snake a few months back...fortunately for her,,,,they were still coj kev cai Hmong,,,she they fij neeb thiab kho zoo lawm...
Run away and dont tortured animal....Yikes!