lome, you can't register? .. what email server are you registering under b/c i have quite alot of server banned due to adult spamming .. :loool: ...
if it's hotmail, you shouldn't have problem with it --- THANK YOU ALL FOR THE COMMENTS NA KHA :wub:
anyway, made this per Kayla's request for Fang's forum :
starry, as for manipulation goes, what you can do is .. do copy of the original layer, then put the face that you want to use for the manipulation in between the two layer. once you do this, go to the first top layer and use the puff erase brush to erase the surrounding area, the trick to doing manipulation is find the right angle of face and make sure you have the face to the right size or the manipulation will look very out of place and awkward ... once you do that, just play around with layering it to how you like it, if the face become too dark, work around to make it light to match the original color of the skin tone. LOL .. i attempt to do a tutorial but it takes forever to do it, i give up
-- maybe someday when i have the patient for it