:cloud9: "hold me in your arms" that's my current theme song of the week for myself. i kept singing it whenever i see love teams close with each other like this.Been so long since i update so here to the new start of ATEAM and ROY MAI -- thanks all for the wonderful comments :wub:
i am the n'rai who can steal all those p'eks you got there! :whip: :gungirl:my current wallpaper -- my p'ek :wub:
oh prisna.. that's why i love bi!!.. he's such a hardworker.. <3.. imma miss him when he goes to the army T_TCeci, I love ATEAM wallie! I cant wait for Mon-Tue for the new epi! Nikki, I want to be n'rai too because I want to steal Ceci p'eks. haha
Ceci. when I saw Bi, I wish he come back soon because I really miss him. Few day ago, I watch this video of him,and just want to cry. He work so hard for everything and this is the reason why I love him! :wub:
ATEAM .. ATEAM .. i'm all for it!ceci, can I request for a banner for my new ATEAM fanfic? it's already posted there in the fanfic section![]()