sarNie Tombstone
credit windlight2010
chun roo ka Valee got drown by the n'rai and khun sama went to rescue her and the pra'ek his in danger too cos his mafia enemy wanted to kill him and destroy his lifenew photo from the set~
cr to 21 yrs/instgrm
people who watch the old version maybe already know which scene is this for~
probably when they got attack at the island... run from the bullets n bomb before jump into the sea~
Khun Samma(chakrit) get really mad when he get to know what actually happen.. i don't remember much but someone betrayed him~
he even get more mad because Varee(margie) also there... in danger with him... so sweet of him... he always possessive over Varee...
love that scene... they already start to love each other... which is i think about 40% / 50% of the story...
they are damn fast right... which is i like~