[Ch3] 365 Wan Haeng Ruk (Makers J)


sarNie Oldmaid
Wow,Tong has a great voice. I would have never guessed it was her.
I love this song now too :heart:

ip. smilez, where can I find the bodyslam audio?
I found this,i didn't try it yet..Maybe we need to register..


sarNie Adult
Thank you Tracy :D
It has been awhile since i topped a page in 365's thread hahaha
Yay :cheer:

We have 3 more days til the last & last episode of 365
:teary: :teary: :teary: why are you keeping reminding me that??
I dont want it to end ever :teary: :teary: :teary:


방탄소년단 x Bangtan Sonyeondan x JiTaew
Yeehhaa..i found this MV..I love this song. :dance1: :dance3: :dance2:
Racha sing it..ooppss..i mean Tong...

*thanks to angeltiwa. :thumbsup:
credit to differtube..
Was this song in 365 also? :scratchchin: :scratchhead2:
Idk but it sounds so similar to a song in the lakorn...
I may be probably wrong. Didn't get much sleep last night.
My mom was PMSing this morning so i hardly had any sleep. She made me wanna :numchuck: her this morning. Lol
But yes, Tong does have a beautiful voice. The song is also good and sad! :thumbsup:
btw, thanks tracy for the pictures. Ann is so beautiful.
Too bad that Ken wasn't in the one with her and the guys. ):


sarNie Oldmaid
Was this song in 365 also? :scratchchin: :scratchhead2:
Idk but it sounds so similar to a song in the lakorn...
I may be probably wrong. Didn't get much sleep last night.
My mom was PMSing this morning so i hardly had any sleep. She made me wanna :numchuck: her this morning. Lol
But yes, Tong does have a beautiful voice. The song is also good and sad! :thumbsup:
btw, thanks tracy for the pictures. Ann is so beautiful.
Too bad that Ken wasn't in the one with her and the guys. ):

lol Rose..yes..

The last part..


방탄소년단 x Bangtan Sonyeondan x JiTaew
lol Rose..yes..

The last part..
Oh ahaha it is! :D No wonder. lol
Thanks! :thumbsup:

:cry: :cry1: It was so sad watching that scene! It totally reminds me of Manee Yard Fah when Ann left Willy! :no:
I'm still upset that they edit the Kissing part. :arrg:
I love the topless Ken part. :clap2:

I can't wait to see Kawee's spirit go into Toon! That reminds me!
I need to go back and rewatch the previews for Episode 14!
Whooohooo! I want an R scene! :woot2:


sarNie Oldmaid
Oh ahaha it is! :D No wonder. lol
Thanks! :thumbsup:

:cry: :cry1: It was so sad watching that scene! It totally reminds me of Manee Yard Fah when Ann left Willy! :no:
I'm still upset that they edit the Kissing part. :arrg:
I love the topless Ken part. :clap2:

I can't wait to see Kawee's spirit go into Toon! That reminds me!
I need to go back and rewatch the previews for Episode 14!
Whooohooo! I want an R scene! :woot2:
Yeah,why they cut that scene...Such a beautiful scene for me.. :wub:
I want :r-scene-pop-corn: turn :w-scene-pop-corn:
lol..the kissing scene in MYF really unforgetable ha.. :heart:


sarNie Hatchling
Thanks ip smiles and tracy for the music link.

now, how do I download clips from youtube. What program can I use for that? :scratchhead2:

I applaud those of you who makes MVs. It takes a lot of time just to get all of the clips into one video.
I sat here for hours taking screen shot of each scene I want in my video =) and then arranging them in the order I want them to play. Maybe it will be easier if I had all the program :shrug:


sarNie Oldmaid
Thanks ip smiles and tracy for the music link.

now, how do I download clips from youtube. What program can I use for that? :scratchhead2:

I applaud those of you who makes MVs. It takes a lot of time just to get all of the clips into one video.
I sat here for hours taking screen shot of each scene I want in my video =) and then arranging them in the order I want them to play. Maybe it will be easier if I had all the program :shrug:
There's so many software to download clip from youtube such as realplayer,download manager but i'm using this one..

You also can convert from clip to mp3 format..


sarNie Hatchling
Thanks ip smiles and tracy for the music link.

now, how do I download clips from youtube. What program can I use for that? :scratchhead2:

I applaud those of you who makes MVs. It takes a lot of time just to get all of the clips into one video.
I sat here for hours taking screen shot of each scene I want in my video =) and then arranging them in the order I want them to play. Maybe it will be easier if I had all the program :shrug:
this is the two sites i go to download the vid from youtube...

if its ur first time editing videos and ur using windows u can use windows movie maker
if u have a mac then u can use imovie....
both are really easy to use and u can find tutorials online coz thats how i learned it..
if u want more vid effects i recommend Sony Vegas Pro 9... it is really easy to use and u can
find tutorials on youtube that will teach u step by step on how to do it...

editing vids and making mvs are really fun its like a hobby for me now :thumbsup:
i've been doin a lot of video skits with my friends and org... :eek:fftopic: :D


sarNie OldFart
this is the two sites i go to download the vid from youtube...

if its ur first time editing videos and ur using windows u can use windows movie maker
if u have a mac then u can use imovie....
both are really easy to use and u can find tutorials online coz thats how i learned it..
if u want more vid effects i recommend Sony Vegas Pro 9... it is really easy to use and u can
find tutorials on youtube that will teach u step by step on how to do it...

editing vids and making mvs are really fun its like a hobby for me now :thumbsup:
i've been doin a lot of video skits with my friends and org... :eek:fftopic: :D
I totally agree with you too juoesque17;
It became a hobby for me too
I dl the vdos until my internet was slow.
my brother got soo pissed at me cause it slowed down the internet big time!!

In no time alicia, you'll get use to it!
It is time consuming but it is fun ahhah


sarNie Hatchling
Thanks guys for helping me with the Mv.

For the keepvid... Lol, i put the URL. and I just click run? And download whichever quality I want?

After that.. what do I do. it went to an empty page and now I can't find it :scratchhead2:


sarNie OldFart
Thanks guys for helping me with the Mv.

For the keepvid... Lol, i put the URL. and I just click run? And download whichever quality I want?

After that.. what do I do. it went to an empty page and now I can't find it :scratchhead2:
Do you have real player?
If so, it is much easier to download..
Because at the top of any video you want;
it has the download thing that comes up;
you just click on it and it automatically dl


sarNie Hatchling
Thanks guys for helping me with the Mv.

For the keepvid... Lol, i put the URL. and I just click run? And download whichever quality I want?

After that.. what do I do. it went to an empty page and now I can't find it :scratchhead2:
u should pick mp4 format... wen its done downloading it should be in ur download folder...


sarNie Hatchling
no i don't have real player. I just downloaded windows live movie maker and tried to download the video through keepvid.

LoL, I am getting so confused :facepalm:

Sorry for bothering you guys with this