[Ch3] 365 Wan Haeng Ruk (Makers J)


방탄소년단 x Bangtan Sonyeondan x JiTaew
ROFL :lmao3: I love you guys. You guys are so funny!
We're all so younnggg!
We understand what the meaning is in this lakorn but how come many doesn't take the risk to? :nono1:
I'm for sure that when those people that didn't watch this lakorn one day comes and watch this lakorn when they get married, for sure they're gonna maybe "regret" it for not watching it. :coverlaf:


방탄소년단 x Bangtan Sonyeondan x JiTaew
I have two childs and when they sleeping, I keep voting every 15 minutes. LOL
I do it for Ken and Ann.
Aawwww! See! We have a mother on here who knows how to use the net/PC & have time to vote for Ken&Ann! :coverlaf: :thumbsup:

is there a limit on how many times you vote a day. because now i cant vote
I don't think so.. :scratchhead2:
I've been doing it for at least 2 hours now. lol
They did just say come back every 15 minutes! ahaha


sarNie Oldmaid
Btw,i just watched ep 13-1..
Why she's always succeed to make me CRY with her???!!! :cry1: :cry1:
Glad i'm alone in my room..I feel embrass to cry in front of my family just because of Thai Lakorn!!!


sarNie Hatchling
You're only 17!!!! You're so young! I am kind of surprised (but glad :highfive: ) you love this lakorn.

I belong to the mature audience group even though I am not married. I love 365 Days because I can relate to the many themes this lakorn is trying to deal with, such as marriage and family values. The most important things, fidelity and commitment in a marriage despite of differences and hardship :yes:

Love this lakorn!!! :thumbsup:


sarNie Adult
Btw,i just watched ep 13-1..
Why she's always succeed to make me CRY with her???!!! :cry1: :cry1:
Glad i'm alone in my room..I feel embrass to cry in front of my family just because of Thai Lakorn!!!
Yes agree with you Dilah. I think I cried more with Lan than with Narin. I watched only when everybody was sleeping. Don't want to cry in front of them. Especially my daughters. LOL


sarNie Adult
lol, you gals!

I totally think that the younger generation is missing out. I'm only 21 and I've learned so much just from watching this lakorn. If my husband is like Toon I would give him some space. I mean I'm a little like Lan, I'll probably show my love more than he does, get jealous when he is with other girls, but I would mind my own business. But if some girl comes in and tells me that my husband loves her all hell is going to get lose! lol! No one is going to take my husband away from me. I noticed that a lot of wifes that find other women bothering their husband goes to their work place and turns it up side down to find the girl that might be cheating with their husband. But Toon is not like this, Thats why I love him! He only loves his wife! If my husband was like this I would never look at another guy again! This lakorn should not be missed because its real and you learn from it! Go 365 Day's of Love! :dude:

I can't believe that Ann is not #1 on the poll! I was shocked. I like Yaya but she is still a little bit a far to be #1. But it's alright. I still love Ann a lot! Shes my number one along with Ken! I was talking with my IR coordinator at lunch about BTLS and she figured out that I gave her Ananda because I like Ken. I was like yeah, but hes a father and husband so I have no intention to steal him. I'm not into affairs! lol! I'm not a Nang'rai! :rofl:

So what were u gals voting for? I didn't really catch it when I skimmed the pages.


Expired Sarnie
You're only 17!!!! You're so young! I am kind of surprised (but glad :highfive: ) you love this lakorn.

I belong to the mature audience group even though I am not married. I love 365 Days because I can relate to the many themes this lakorn is trying to deal with, such as marriage and family values. The most important things, fidelity and commitment in a marriage despite of differences and hardship :yes:

Love this lakorn!!! :thumbsup:
I agree. I like it because Thun is not a cheating bastard. It just deals with a couple who loves each other, accepts each other's flaws, yet they still need to overcome all the little issues that crops up in a marriage and even in a bf/gf relationship.