ceda_lee said:
OMG! This is so cute! I swear...people & their awesome talents. I feel disabled haha
I love his/her work... so talent. One more pic from him/her.
cr: on the pic
News from our new koojin^^
LOL she called him Ter. When I watched, I wonder who is Ter? I know that Thai people usually call name as one word, but Peter as Ter LOL
NEWS: It says there was a news saying that Ann is angry at Peter for bailing out on a talk show they're supposed to go on together, but Ann denied that she was mad at him. She said that he couldn't make it because he was stuck with something which she forgot what it was or if he really got lost she doesn't know. She didn't get to ask Peter so it become a joke.
Peter didn't call her to clear anything up so they didn't get to talk. All she knows is that he couldn't make it and it ends there, so she ended up doing the show alone. She said she's not angry, she doesn't feel anything, and she's not irritated with him. Everything is very normal between them.
If they have the opportunity to work together again, they would have to discuss about their schedules more clearer because Peter's profession is a singer. Once in a while, he'll take on acting. He is someone who sleeps during the day and wake up at night, so he probably can't accept a lot of lakorns and she understood that. In this lakorn there are 4 of them so they can switch back and forth, but if they are to act in a stand alone lakorn, they will have to talk about their schedules clearly and that there are no problems between them.
Source: Khaosod
Date: 3-2-2015"
credit all to Anoyblue^^
you can go her IG for more stories and informations.
Miss LipYa and PraoNon