haha, @serena_ngo, thanks for entrusting me for translation,lol. aahhahaha. Most of the blessings are all similar so I just translated the 4HJ gang along with Anne.
www.prinfanclub.com presents "Happy Birthday to Mark Prin"
Boy: Yes, Mark Prin. Happy Birthday. I wish you happiness. Miss me. Concern for me. And find time for me. And I'll give you a card. Good luck. Happiness for you.
Margie: Happy Bday Mark. Please be happy. You are as old as I am now, but it's okay, we'll grow old together. Watch your health and take good care of yourself. May you have lots of happiness.
Nadech: P'Prin Suparat, for this opportunity, I want to wish you happiness, lots of happiness. Be happy with whatever you do or who you meet, always have lots of happiness. Take care of your health. I am happy to see/meet you. I am happy to be your brother, I love you. And we'll meet again. Love you.
Yaya: Happy Birthday P'Mark. I hope this is one of the best years for you. Stay strong and have lots of happiness. Be successful. I will be your support. Su su.
Kim: Happy Birthday na ka p'Mark. May you have lots of happiness this year. You are now grown so take good care of yourself. Whatever you wish, may you accomplish them. Have lots of happiness and have good health. Happy Birthday.
Chalida: Happy Birthday P'Mark. Be happy in everything you may pursue. May you stay strong, strong and strong. And have energy for fitness. I will follow every work of yours, p'Mark, and stay like this in this Lom Gang for a long time ka.
Anne: Hello, Mark. For your birthday this year, please be happy and may you be successful in everything your heart desires. May you be popular and famous in a good way. May the citizens love and appreciate your work. May you receive good work. May more and more people love you. May your love always bloom/blossom and HAPPY HAPPY. Love you. Thank you and bye bye and Happy Birthday ka.
The Thais always give positive blessings with "mee kwan sook maak maak." The fans also ask Mark to give himself blessings, LOL, and Mark asks for the best, to love the fans like this and be successful.