I'll Prob faint if Phet ever gets a slap/kiss lakorn. Hahaa I want to petition these two together for a drama together !!!!
Ep. 10...where do I begin? Ahhhhh I skimmed watched it w/low volume (no earphones ><) and won't be able to fully watch the whole episode until night time but idk where to begin? All the couples are coming together and one is already hitting the rocks and that's Sabai/Jai. She's getting even more suspicious of him. Yayyyy for Feung has finally soften up to Khap and seeing him happy in tears got me choked up. Since the first day, they've been the only couple that I saw come off as a married couple ^^ So freakin excited for the next episode because Feung will finally let herself go and open up her heart to love Khap. Eeeks. Even though she doesn't say that she loves him, her actions and expressions towards him shows otherwise. I'm not giving in to Fang and Thap yet but they did have their cute moments. Juan finally found out the truth about Sang wifing her.

I am glad to see that she can fully surpass what she thought he did to her and really love him as the form on her husband. These two are def a married couple haahah Mannnnn the men are sizzling hot in this episode from what I saw. Everyone is preparing for war...war scenes etc makes me want to T_____T cause the end seems so near.