sarNie Adult

I can't wait to see this one as well.
Register for a WP account first and then request them to allow you access.Omg their whole Wordpress is gone too the heck do you request anyway??
Thanks. SIGH. Do I have to watch it RAW. . . or should I wait for subs?? What do I do?? I don't know what to do.... I've never been in a lakorn crisis ever in my life.
1. First register an account
2. click on this link :
3. Click on the request an invite and the owner will be notify
4. I think you'll have to wait til they accept you.
Thank you so much for letting us know. Everyone appreciate what you guys are doing. I would like that you release ep 7 and we can deal the the internet. Thank you!!!!Hi, I’m an admin from SJDK FanSub. Yes our Facebook page is suspended due to terms of violation. We got copyright from One HD yesterday and a few from Ch3 over the last few months. No Ch3 isn’t lenient with copyright we got taken down repeatedly. Repeated violation would get the page suspended or permanently disabled. We are continuing to sub and finish Bhuppae Sunniwat offline. Without YouTube or Facebook we can’t provide fast online streaming we’re not Netflix level lol. It’s not our choice. Our blog was supposed to be backup and it’s incomplete. 1) we will either release ep 7 (yes it done) and everyone just going to have to deal with how slow and unreliable internet archive is or 2) we will remain private and offline until we have a good solution. Sorry, don’t blame us we wanna sub and we still are but it’s the channel....
I've signed up and requested an invite as well. Please let the site owner know it's me.
1. First register an account
2. click on this link :
3. Click on the request an invite and the owner will be notify
This site is marked private by its owner. If you would like to view it, you’ll need permission from the site owner. Request an invite and we'll send your username to the site owner for their approval
4. I think you'll have to wait til they accept you.