hahahaha I read the book too - you're the rare ones I have come across who doesn't sound impressed at all with the drama.... and I agree!! I don't care for Yang Yang and Zheng Shuang in that drama. The side characters are so much more interesting!! (My dear KO and Mei Ren!)I did read somewhere that Just one smile movie is not bad.....but I just can't watch I was forwarding through most of it. I was excited when they cast Yangyang in the drama but it still disappointed me actually. In the book XiaoNai was cool...the drama they made him look lame...smirking and posing all time...... The lead girl was nowhere near what Wei Wei is written as....and then they added stupid misunderstandings between some characters to drag it out
...Even though I have a lot of problems with the other two dramas...I still consider them my favorites coz of the male leads and their awesome chemistry with the ladies.
I really wish they would not go the same route with is whole different medium, they'll have a lot of creative freedom, so hopefully they will give us something new and blow us away all over again....til Prom Likit comes to our screens.
Yes! I hope they reinterpret the movie - if they really do a remake! And I guess if it's to capture international audience then alright... It's just gonna be hard fitting everything in 2 hours.