Let me take a stab at it:
They greet each other
PJ: You're a beautiful woman
Kade Imposter: Thank you Khun P
PJ: You should return with me (something I can't understand at all-- jat hei nak leuy? I think "jat" means arrange or something like that?)
KI: You speak something
PJ: chamot chabai something-- sounds familiar but I can't remember what it means
KI: I like it well
Camera guy: It's better if we forget
KI: Never
Fake Janward walks in and calls them
PJ: Meun...?
FJ: Meun Janward, jao ka.
PJ: You're crazy. You're Narai (as in the king

FJ: Khun P, you're so cute
A round of applause for my very rough, unhelpful translation

I tried though