I thought I would be bored by the ancient sequences and the leads but not Pat and Mark characters chemistry shines more during the ancient parts. The male actors style are ew! But their chemistry is cute. Pat should improve her acting skills but as I said I love her character in both past and Present and like how Mark is in awe in both parts too which is consistent. Those sixth sense actresses acting are good especially the brother's fianceMark and Pat great together, and I think cuz they both have that cute baby face
. I want to see Pat w/other baby face actors now
God !! Pat and mark chemistry in today episode is just fire. Surprisingly past life sequence is very endearing. The director decision to use those hands gestures to define Pat character was stupid. Still Pat and Mark pair is so pleasant one also feel her character in both lifs starts to fall for him and I don't feel it is abrupt. Mark Character in past life is just head over heels for her and I so understand him. This girl is soooo pretty (she was gorgeous during the wedding scene) even when she has less make up. Pat charm reminds me the like of Kim So Hyun's or Kim Young Jung's just Pat does not have those actresses acting skills. Still she has shown improvement and she is pleasant to look at. Yardith just can't overshadow her. Please director I just want less "home alone" it ruins the mood sometimes. Pat and Eye have got chemistry too as friends.Surprisingly I am enjoying this lakon too but like everyone else, the men's hair in the past life is such a no no, especially when it's not groomed and very messy!
But I am loving Mark and Patricia, in the past and present life. I can see how Mark's character fell in love with Patricia. She's a tiny girl but she's strong minded. I'm looking forward to see how things come to be.
I haven't seen today's episodes but does Mark dream about their past life too or is it all Patricia? I don't remember seeing him dream about their past life.