There are some changes in this version, I think a while back, they were discussing how Paa'Jaew added that whole part with the gun fight in the rural area and stuff so I dunno, maybe the P'ek in this version has more er... balls so to speakthe teaser wasn't that appealing, if im gonna be honest, hopefully the lakorn itself will be better. Pan's version that I saw, the leads bicker so much and praek was so guillble in believing the step mom. I hope they change it up a bit in thsi version. but I just heard Namcha's song "Just an Illusion" and I loooooove it. Fits so well with Pimlapat's POV
i'm sure of kimmy_kimberleyofficialfan page on FB so let's wait and seeAnyone knows who's going to sub this lakorn???
If Kimmy's official fanpage won't sub it, I bet SJDK fan sub will.Anyone knows who's going to sub this lakorn???
Speaking of which, I want a Nadech/Kim reunion hahahI wouldn't be surprised if Ramet is dumb because my blood still boils with Nadech and Kim's of how Pit never found out all of the crazy and evil crap Rawee did to Tae. Such a loose end. Lol Or like Rawee never made up for it.
I still think P'Jaew brings the best in Kim in terms of acting or perhaps she's just really good with angles.
I love the OST, already.
Namcha's voice is so sexy..Neung Narongvit (Song writer/producer of Chandelier Music) uploaded teasers of the song for Buang Hong! (audio only)
I'm loving Pim and Ramet's picture. I wonder if this is their official photo for the lakorn.
He always looks good in his lakorns.I want more power in James voice lol. But I must be the only one that thinks he looks good in this lakorn hahah
hahaha maybe it's because Rames/Ramet is chill. He really is so damn calm and suave, I'm not used to it.I want more power in James voice lol. But I must be the only one that thinks he looks good in this lakorn hahah