Hey you guys!! ... Its been long yes i know .Miss you all :kiss2: And i know that since i haven't been here, I haven't officially welcomed our new family members. So I'd just like to say :welcome1:
janajelly1 , hazelsky , leemyis !! (sorry if i missed anyone, i literally just went through the last few pages) AND janajelly1 , YOU ARE HILARIOUS with your Phet pills 555
huajaikaungtur said:
I know right, girl. I used to think Korean guys were the best looking Asian guys but now, I've discovered a whole new world of Thai guys XD
They're so handsome. My expectations for guys are so high because of them, Lolol :coverlaf:
ahaha hey Marina , sorry just gotta point it out that , for me, SAME :bhehe: JK, I've never liked korean guys so ... yeah not with you on that part but the rest, yeah! :whahuh:
Anyways, Omgawd Kichy fever is rising :heart: And of course my Phet and Toey couple is so :spicy: Glad it's suppose to air by summer because shoooot I've been waiting for too long . Summer needs to come QUICK . And thanks to everyone who has shared photos and info with us,(especially
me :bhehe

:kiss2: I haven't got the time to update myself on them so those pictures and info are a great help. CAN'T live without my couples hehehe :drools: