I am in Cali. Just had dinner. Guess what I had? PIZZA! - à la Charles. lol
Sharing the CHARLES HOTNESS.. Barry as Charles took us by storm.. I wasn't ready for him. The lop-sided smile is a major killer... You can't blame Prae if she falls for Charles, who wouldn't? he is such a charmer seducer..
Gawd!!! If he would look at me like that, I might pee in my pants right there.... :hide: :hide: :hide:
TY Thinkjaden for the videos..
LOL I love this one, because if someone who didn't watch GRGR saw this, they'd be like "That girl is spazzing over the guy smiling at her!" So like us! thanks for sharing!
Gawd!!! If he would look at me like that, I might pee in my pants right there.... :hide: :hide: :hide:
TY Thinkjaden for the videos..
It's quite simple for me through mac ..This sounds easy enough. Maybe I'll try this option. How so you let it stream through your playstation? Sorry...such an idiot when it comes to computer stuff.
lol i just picked up pizzas for the fight tonight!! lolI am in Cali. Just had dinner. Guess what I had? PIZZA! - à la Charles. lol
LMAO I know! if I were Aff too, I'd also be more excited to work with Nadech than the elephants :crush:I've always wanted ride elephants or see them up close, but I have to agree with Aff that Nadech being there would overshadow the whole experience.
Charles in a huge TV screen! :drool: :drool: :drool:best awkward moment?? when prae introdues p'mor as her lil sister's doctor.... then as they eat their meal charles sees p'mor putting food onto prae's plate... and asks how many years they've been togetherprae just does that ugly face thing... bee-otch got told!!!
btw: i've been watching via computer ... so i decided to use the large screen tv and OMG ... does Charles feel so life like??? ;D ::heart pitter patter so fast!!::
I agree with this. The cute island scenes are very much suited to Nadech and Yaya because they're both very young and innocent, it seems completely natural. If an older p'ek and n'ek tried to play it it might not work. I also think Yaya does the childish scenes well because she's still a kid and very pretty- I don't think other n'eks (like Pancake) suit the role as well- they're not baby faced and look old. Yaya can pull it off better IMHO.Call me bias but I can't picture any other actors/actresses who can portray Charles and Fahlada as well as YADECH. Even if they had good acting skills, their aura wouldn't be the same at all.
I hate Prae's character and since I do spoil myself by reading the summaries online, I know I'll grow to dislike her even more. In fact, I never sympathized with her to begin with.