sarNie Adult
Totally agree!Their eye contact just says everything.
Totally agree!Their eye contact just says everything.
LMAO. So true! Just kiss already~~~ this is totally driving me crazy.EYE-SEX
cr: as tagged
I am in the US and we are fine here.Is it just me, or is youtube is being blocked??
AAHHH! He can't marry her! He's still marry to Nangfah! Lol!tomorrow ep 15 look good. can't wait to see Nang Fah remembers Saichon. what will she do when she gets her memory back and know that Charles going to marry her sister. hope the wedding of Prae and Charles not going to happen. Prae is getting crazier now. don't like her at all jealous of her own sister. does!Their eye contact just says everything.
Oh, you are killing me. I like this look A LOT! so they are having photoshoot together again today
cr: NY home at pantip
You know I saw that too!:lolyup: But if you pay attention, that dress was the only dress! The dresses behind it were different. It was kinda like the crew people had that dress picked out already for Yaya. They just needed to put it on a hanger and make it seem like it's a store product. Cuz it didn't have no price tag attached. LOL! They could have taken out that sign though. :thumbdown:oh, one more thing to share that made me laughed so loud as i was reading the spicy thread that kizukami shared. crazy viewers at pantip caught our richie rich charles being cheap. he brought a 40% off dress for fah.
I think this must be the same photo shoot. Geeeeez, they are just perfect!lol they are having photoshoot together again today
cr: NY home at pantip
Oh how I miss Taeloy!!! He was sooo hilarious! Him and his sillyness: "nangfah jaaaaaaaaaaaa!"Ah such a beautiful song! So reflecting Nadech's feeling towards Yaya (I'm still hoping here, that there's might even a tiniest chance between them :heart: )
New video coming up!
That Taleoy guy is so funny, keep singing with his iphone, as if he was in MV or something and they keep comparing him and nadech! LOL
cr: as seen on Barry.Ya@facebook