Episode 13 Today was sort of lovely. I like the way Haym treats his womenfolk. He loves and respects his mother so much. He treats Lamduan like his queen. He's always gently touching her or on his knees hugging her. They are so perfect for each other.
I absolutely love the fact that they did not try to drag the misunderstanding part. It looked like if Lamduan hadn't interrupted, Bua would have let Haym kiss her. She's every bit shameless to the last minute. Does she keep forgetting what Haym keeps telling her? She's asking him, "would you have turned to me if there wasn't Lamduan?" This girl.... Always asking all them questions!
Why hasn't Louang Salahart died yet? He doesn't even have any real sword fighting techniques but for some reason they can never defeat him? I know he has his henchmen fighting for him, but there's been one too many times when they could have just killed them both off. Why are they dragging scenes with the criminals so much? Does it really matter who's sword skill is better? Geez.
Ncmeowmeow35 said:
Ahhh, I hate it when they do that in Lakorns. -_- After all Haym has done to get to where he's at.... Urgh. I know that stuff doesn't matter but still... he worked so hard.