FullCaps Ep 5 Part III
Aw, so it looks like Tieng got into drugs because of peer pressure. Paid more heed to his friends than his mom
Oh look, all the unnecessary side characters are together in one room! Now let's release noxious gas so we can get rid of all of them in one blow

What are they arguing about anyway? Who's more unnecessary? Because I vote that model guy (the one who only looks good in two angles) is the least necessary
CHIPPY: Mae ka, am I stupid and weak?
MOM: Yes dear, but don't worry-- it runs in the family.
LIL BRO: Mae krab, what do you mean "it runs in the family?" Are you saying I'm stupid and weak too?
RACHFULL: YES and your hair's nasty too
MOM: NO, you're just going through a hard time so you keep making the same mistake over and over and over and over again. That doesn't make you stupid--
RACHFULL: It just makes you weak.
So apparently EVERYONE IN THAILAND carries drugs around and gives them to their friends because so far just about EVERYONE we've met has

I mean where I live there are all kinds of drugs (partly because we get them through the border-- just a statement of fact) but people are usually a LITTLE more subtle about their illegal drug use.
Aww Tieng went and visited that one kid when he thought about taking drugs again to remind himself of the consequences his drug use had

That's very tender
She has yellow teeth
Tieng: Nom nom eating my feelings with real food didn't work so let's see if eating this microphone works
So Tieng's at some kind of AA at the hospital? Or is it a Scared Straight sort of thing?
And then Chippy's mom said something significant, but I couldn't understand what she said so...
That brings us to the end of ep 5! I had a hard time understanding this one, lots of dialogue and words I didn't know. It's been a week since I watched any drama, so I'm a little rusty.
This episode was more entertaining than the last few. The story seems to actually be going in a direction, though I still don't get why they have so many side stories. I liked that we got more Pope and more on Tieng's backstory, and really any Tieng character development at all.
I still don't like Chippy or her character.
That kid in a wheelchair is such a pure soul, he's so narak and sweet
PopeCaps are coming!