huajaikaungtur said:
Hey, girl!

I have been keeping up with the previews for this lakorn even though I'm not watching it... I'm debating on whether I should since I'm a fan of Sarah

Can you tell me a bit of the storyline?
You should definitely consider watching this if you're a Sarah fan.
Brief summary of the plot (without too many spoilers) [p.s. I am bad at summaries] :
It takes place in a town called Arayan. It is a place full of Outlaws (suer). The costume and setting is cowboy style. P'ek, Pudd (poot) is an orphan who's part of the Suer Tongbai clan/gang. They are like Robin Hood for the villagers. They rob from rich corrupt politicians and other "bad" clans and give the proceeds to the poor ppl in debt. They are the good guys. N'ek is the Nai Ampurr's daughter. She's also a doctor.
The main plot is about finding Louang Pboo Khem's (a monk) treasure. He was known as one of the most skillful Outlaw/Suer of his time. It is also rumored that he has magic that surpasses all the other outlaws. Upon hearing of Louang Pboo Khems body being found, every Suer in town wants to find his treasure&magic....
Pudd & Khun Mor KingKaew is the bickering, bantering and teasing type of pranang. They are so adorable. Sarah is excellent in here. Her and Pop seems to have great chemistry.
This is a romantic comedy with a tad bit of sci-fi/fantasy.