So I've finally gotten the time to rewatch ep2 over so imma tell u about what I think of it so far.
Tor- I'm going to need more episodes to talk about him, as right now he seems to me more of a protective little brother to ice than a hidden lover. Gotta see more as the story progresses but his scenes with nadech have been cool and nice.
Ice- because we haven't gotta lots of scenes with her just yet; she seems to fit her role perfectly so far. Her acting is good and her chemistry with both nadech and Tor isn't over the top but more soothing which is a well-done.
Yaya- considering her character is supposed to be the most vain/self-centred, I think she's acting perfectly for the role. I don't think she has acted in a role this self-centred before, so kudos to her.
Nadech- him playing a playboy/bad boy character had been one of the roles I've been wanting him to play for so long and so far nadech has not disappoint, so awesome job.
I really can't wait for when the switch happen, i think it'll be the making or breaking point of the success of this lakorn and their acting abilities. Correct me if I'm wrong or over-stepped a line but acting as a male (for a female) is considerably easier than the other way around, mind you it is still hard work and should always be appreciated but a male acting as a female takes a bit effort, as there is a line between acting as a female and being gay, so nadech will have to work hard to trend of being a girl rather than being a gay.
In terms of casting as a whole, I thought it was very well done. Everyone has chemistry with each other and their acting is all good and easy to watch. Given the fact that this is a comedy based genre, which is often done in thailand (and quite repetitive with over the top cliches) and the fact that this has to live up to the huge success of its maker, I personally think they r doing a great job so far.
Nadechyaya- my ultimate OTP, whom I've supported since Duang jai akanee days. Their chemistry hasn't faded or decreased (like some antis wish for), no I feel it has stayed blessful and maybe even a bit more. Given the fact that this is a comedy romance lakorn I'm more than satisfied (especially with all them kisses they're giving us-I thank all gods for having the directors choose this couple with this script #blessed_shipper). Now I'm even more excited for the crown princess as it'll be the 180° change from this light hearted lakorn and so damn BEAUTIFUL. Aesthetic af!!!