The way Ramin delivers his lines on set...I almost spit my drink out at how exaggerated Ramin's acting was 55555 but now I wonder if things just really do look that exaggerated on-set, each frame has to capture the overt emotion from the actors' faces.
GIRRRL, your lover just got blown over by a freaking bomb there's no way his hands are going to be clean isn't that a given??? LOL What kind of fantasy has p'Aum been letting Petra live.
I think more than the kiss, I was touched by their talk after the scene cut, and Ramin was describing the electrical, overwhelming feeling of needing to kiss her "as if to make up for being apart a long time." <3 Then Pearl Petra had to ruin the feels. And I can't believe the kissing became such a hassle that Ramin and Petra had to act separately with stand-ins!
Nok Yoong! She's my ideal too, Akom, hahaha. They're both cute, but I'm not shipping them together yet. He still seems like the little boy crushing on a big sis from school.
Anyway, the fortune teller's reaction was hilarious: "Don't marry him, you won't survive." Then he tried to put it more gently. I suppose fortune tellers have better poker faces in real life?
So many LOL moments in episode 2. But not liking Ramin cheating on his fiancee. Very, very disappointed in him