Not silly at all. Usually, producers/productions have their own directors but now Channel 3 is reinforcing their new policy of promoting new actors and crew members. I haven't seen many producers using new directors just yet but for Pau Jin Jong (Ah Too's production), he was ordered to cast all these newbies and work with a new director so he didn't have any power to select anything himself. Tang Parn Kammathep also has P'Neung, a director for Poordeecum from Channel 7 to direct that one. Before the policy came out late of last year, the elders rarely interfered with this aspect.
P'Mam usually works with Paajaew and if Paajaew is unavailable, she'll ask P'Num Krit. Personally, I enjoy her works more whenever she teams up with P'Num. I loved Roy Leh Sanaeh Luang, Poo Yai Lee Gab Nang Ma and Dao Reung.