@m9, all I can say is, we love the right P'ek! Nadech is truly the pek of all girls. We were given the wrong info about the true move event. It was suppose to be a private event, somehow the admin of Nadech fc gave the wrong info. Anyway, we were told to waited for the event to be over and Nadech will come out to meet with the fans. And he did what was told. After his interview with the reporter he came to the fans and asked us to form a line to take selfies with him. The handsome face come with such a big heart for his fans. Didn't want to disappoint his fans.OMG Mrschum! Best pic ever! You are like literally next to him. aweeeee, how amazing! How is he in person? voice? lol
Является ли эта женщина биологческой матерью Nadech?