Some more RANTS (Sorry

The first 4 episodes I don't have much problem with as it sets the tone of the lakorn really well, established Ramin and Petra's characters for us to understand the switch.
The switch was amazing and the comedy was apt.
NOW it's less of PetRamin, less of comedy and MORE of "Let's stare into the future featuring Nok Yoong"
Such choppy editing, even the ads sections are not placed equally apart.
I don't even like both the managers of Petra. They are just annoying. Yaya's manager in KC was really good and you know a HUMAN

. But here they behave like animals
I found Richard and Petra' chemistry sizzling
(not as much as NY but still) and they should have gone with that storyline but Nooooooooooooooo
I have no problem if secondary characters take the lead BUT here they don't even have anything to do according to the director. The characters don't even sulk for the situation they are in. Of all the things Ramin has done to betray and avoid Nok Yoong she chose to SLAP AKOM. Like whyyyyy just whyyyyyyy? Why would you slap that poor fellow
All in all the GIFTBOX has pretty shitty packaging but the GIFT inside (NY) is amazing so I think I'll keep the gift and discard the box.
P.S I am not hating on Tor and Ice or talking about their calibre. I was excited to see them pair up with NY as Tor and Ice are really good looking but the characters don't justify their need in this lakorn.