[CH3] Likit Ruk (Thong Entertainment) Nadech Kugimiya / Yaya Urassaya


sarNie Hatchling
During the award ceremony, Nadech was gonna tell the media something off camera, so curious to know what he was going to say.


sarNie Hatchling
The MCs were just talking about Michelle Yim (the lady sitting next to Ya) and Yaya’s lives when suddenly they brought up Nadech and his graduation ceremony. The MCs asked Yaya if they finished their studies at the same time. Yaya said he already finished a few months earlier but they’re going to receive their diplomas in the same year.

They introduced Nadech as Yaya’s boyfriend to Michelle and showed her pictures of them together and of Nadech by himself. Yaya explained that he’s her best friend and stuff but they ran away with the whole boyfriend thing lol. Michelle saw the pictures and approved of their relationship (also called Nadech smart-looking) and said “okay, marry!” to Yaya.

(Most of Nadech’s part is in English thankfully). The first part was just asking about beauty tips from Michelle and how she can look so young for her age.
Thank you!


Nadech <3
You all, I feel like P'Nadech and P'Yaya did their pre-wedding photoshoots while they were in Germany and Switzerland filming Likit Ruk. I swear they did it. Maybe I'm just a crazy fan and think on the extreme side, lol.
Lol their photo did look like pre wedding photos but I dont think it was. I dont want to invest in too much into their relationship as anything can happen. Just enjoying it day by day


Magnet Couple
You all, I feel like P'Nadech and P'Yaya did their pre-wedding photoshoots while they were in Germany and Switzerland filming Likit Ruk. I swear they did it. Maybe I'm just a crazy fan and think on the extreme side, lol.
It defo looked pre-wedding but considering how private NY can be, I don't think they would let people who aren't family share their pre-wedding photos like that. I get the feeling that they planned it themselves & it's like one of those private photoshoots that we all know NY have had together, but not so private in that we are getting to see the pictures on a day that isn't Na or Ya's birthday :pancarta:


Magnet Couple
A fan said she had to leave & Ya said "Of course. But it's ok if you're going to visit P'Bear (i.e. go to his event), it's not serious." Reminds me of that time Na was saying bye to fans after an event & they said they were going somewhere next and he said "Ohh to Yaya's OPPO event?". They know each other's queues so well :risas3:


Also, we got a new fan~:cheer:
"So I was supposed to watch kdrama last night but I saw an mv of nadech n yaya(actually my timeline is a mix of kx n ny everyday hahaha) so out of curiosity I watched it, in an instant I saw their chemistry, to cut the story short lol I'm now watching the crown princess :risas3::risas3::risas3:" https://twitter.com/u_3voL/status/1021975693813575681?s=19