sarNie Egg
Thank you.I also grew up with it since my parents spoke Thai here and there, and they were basically my translators when I didn't understand something. My advice would be to watch a ton of lakorns with English subs, even historical/boran lakorns ones just for some extra help.
I personally also started to pick up on some Korean and Mandarin, just from binge watching so many dramas. Just basically watch lots of dramas, and frequently. I start to lose some of my Thai when I go too long without watching a Lakorn or speaking to my parents in Thai. Sorry if this post is long lol but I hope this helps?
Also welcome to this forum!! And congrats to Nakee 2 success. I already wanted to watch it but now with the reviews I want to see it even more now T___T
Congrats to NY and to the whole Nakee team.