I've just finished the 1st ep n I would say it was ok so far..you can't just started judging just by seeing the 1st ep..didn't really understand why so many ppl complains about this lakorn so much especially the two main actresses. First of all, focus on the character they portrays not on their real selves & then comparing real self to the character because you never know what character they will get to play..like play older role, younger, bratty, arrogant or so etc...If you really don't like the ladies then just skip it..it was what I does all the times when I don't like one of the person of the pair (main couple).
For those who concerns...patarin (Taew) is a marketing manager/director..to be able to work in a high position with high pays like this she is not stupid. Maybe you don't understand when she signed those order slips to purchase products/supplies she was reading/reviews carefully before signed. Those amounts are not that much that's why she be able to signed them..there was one slip that the amount is a little high that's why she told the bf it have to be sign by higher position. The bf, his secret lover n p'ek's uncle works as a team and have well planned this for a few years..when they were going to snatch money into their pockets they divided the amount into couple slips so it doesn't look suspicious because the amounts were small. Until Pran went to check the warehouse n noticed the supplies n started investigates. When Pran, his dad n Unn discussed about this issue Pran even mentioned that whoever did this are very well planned to divided the amount so it won't look suspicious.
Patarin may be annoying n too much into her bf that she won't think he would tricked her but she is not stupid.
Pran love Unn but Unn love Non..Non might like Unn or not? or he might know his brother love Unn so he decided to make way for his brother instead.