I certainly agree that actors should work with many different actors, not only for themselves and their growth but, for audiences. It will be nice to see Patricia and Nadech together again, however, I'd rather see her with someone closer to her age, before repairing her with her previous co-stars. While as with Nadech as long as he has variety, I'm fine. I personally just don't want to wait as long as I did for a Mario-Taew reunion!
Twins dramas can be tricky, but I can deal with them as long as 1) The twin I'm interested in is the main character (if that's narratively appropriate) and 2) The actor expresses both personalities 3dimensionally. In this drama, we get that. From the onset we know Non is our main character. There's never any doubt, from the moment he comes onscreen we know, this is his story. However, by the end of episode one we also see that Nadech has truly put in the effort to make these brothers two complete people. He was able to identify and bring life to both men, and make them both important and sympathetic even though Pran is by far secondary to Non. I also like the irony, in the storytelling concerning which brother the narrative is focused on.
Ultimately can't wait for Weds!!! I usually don't care about "happy" endings but for Pat and Non, that's exactly what I need! Not sure what they will do with Anna and Pran. Given the last couple eps, it's clear they have promise, but she's also never considered him as a romantic partner. I think she was willing to marry him because she knew she wouldn't be miserable and took his devotion to her for granted (unintentionally of course). Now she knows how much he loves her but I don't see much change in her feelings. She's committed to him but as a grateful confidant, not as a woman in love and Pran deserves that. Therefore, I rather drama end with the hope of them ending up together or them staying as they are, over a rushed love relationship. A time jump is probably best if they want to have both couples married and it be remotely satisfying. Then again, as long as we end on an adorable, heart-fluttering note with both, who really cares, right?