Here goes...
But. But. He promised he wouldn't hurt her in this episode T-T And we all know what's coming up...
I totally screamed when Non asked, "May I kiss you?...I want to kiss you." Eeek! How freaking sweet! and his voice was just so full of yearning! The way Mor Non tends to speak to Pat during intimate moments is like he adores her and doesn't want to scare her. And that KISS. I feel like describing every second of that kiss. The way he pulled her waist closer, cupped her cheek. Her small hands hugging him back. When they broke away and their foreheads touched, glanced at each other sweetly, and he pressed his nose to her forehead. And he picked her up and she was so shy and, AH, his eyes are just so full of affection and love, and they looked HAPPY. <3333 I felt like covering my eyes to not intrude on their sweet moment!
Leave it up to Taew and Nadech to not disappoint me even with an angled kiss! I love when n'ek gives clear reciprocation like this instead of standing with arms hanging like she's not participating in the love at all.
Non calls Pat "tee rak" so naturally and sincerely. Morning was so cute! Stolen kisses on her cheek, yay! And the infamous, "Let's shower together" request, lol. And better yet, he said, "Last night, the things I said and did, I meant them. It wasn't an act."
And freaking hilarious he lied that she had that leech thing on her cheek, knowing she would rub her cheek on him?! lol smooth.
And their green and pink shirts are just so cute!
Oh gosh. Feeling worse and worse for Pran. I seriously don't get the corporate world. How can you lose confidence in your company's leader because he got into an accident that ACCIDENT? How is that supposed to reflect Pran's business capabilities, to the point that Anna and Dad have to hide everything. I mean, I'm sure there's corporate powers at play, and it IS satisfying to see Chom and the uncle not get what they want, but damn. No one is being honest except for Pran, and he and Pat have the least say in the things going on. >< How frustrating.
OMG MOR NON Anna can walk by herself let go of her hand while you're running after Pat! And while Anna is spewing things that are COMPLETELY WRONG about your feelings for Pat, why don't you do everyone a favor and CORRECT HER! It'll be better use of your time than, oh idk, LETTING HER COMMENTS GO and misleading just about everyone. :annoyed: No matter how much Non loves Pat, if there's no trust and honesty, then good luck!
The love scene felt sort of too soon at first, but their paradise only lasted less than a day, so I can't complain

It made their misunderstanding and argument even more hurtful, struck me right in the feels! and Taew almost had me crying!
It did feel good to hear Non say loud and clear that his feelings are not an act, before he left her.
Poor Pat. She's going to feel so guilty, thinking she caused Mor Non to drive off the cliff, that she's going to put up with all the suffering later.