sarNie Hatchling
credit pichy namtarn fc's fb
you welcome i'm annoyed of Ch3 they always do thishippo said:wahhh....but that's ok.
i would rather watch film matt at the moment.
thanks for the update Alice =D
lucky you ceci going to Japan, on a vacation hey? i don't think it will reach up to June probably Aprilcecilia said:OMG! I was counting on this .. i hope it'll air in April or May b/c if it's til June then i'm going to have to say goodbye to it tile Fall since i'm heading to Japan in June with limited internet accessThanks, Alice for the news .. now, i have nother lakorn to look out for excep wait for monday/tuesday for KOOGUM.
good luck cecicecilia said:No, i have a summer internship in Japan -- teaching English to little children. So i'll be heading there in middle of June.
I was hoping that this air next month .. in fact, i've been counting for it as well but now :/
they switches with Pan Rai Pai Ruk Film/Matt airing after Rita/Aun-AyLove- said:i forgot that this one is suppose to air after rita's lakorn. we got to do another waiting for this then.
cecilia said:That ch3 EVENT clip was so cute ... Majurat meets Nampueng and turns into MAJURAT SEE NAMPUENG LMAO I didn't think of this but these guys sure got me laughing so hard with their sarcasm lmao
The gang were joking about the title of the lakorn .. Namtarn added that there was a dialogue in the lakorn .. that has something to do with being sweet (as taught by her father in the lakorn) to win over others. Ken is death and Namtarn is SEE NAMPUEUNG (Honey). Ken added that he meets Nampueng quit often in the lakorn therefore his character turns into a sweet devil (something a long that line).phatman said:What were they saying?? Care to translate? HEHE.