phatman said:
Yeah, Margie has super long legs. I thought it was just the screen that may be stretched, but no she really has long legs. Haha.
Oh please do come and fangirl in here! It's always so quiet in here.
I know. I never knew his age. I figured he was born in the 70's, but didn't know the exact year. I'm actually pleased to learn that he's born the same year as my goddess, Thongprasom. Haha. He looks VERY good at 37, just like some other pra'eks. HEHE.
Hehe. Peter should stick to singing...JUST KIDDING! I want to see more lakorns from him! I wonder why he didn't act all these years and suddenly he comes out acting. He would've had the opportunities to act with my best ladies! Grr. So upset at him. HAHA.
Yeah I agree with you. It's because Anne's always had that mature, older women look on her. That's why she suits older pra'eks my opinion. Hehe. Wish she wasn't so busy with producing. Grr. So upset at her too! Haha. JK.
YAY!!! More shirtless Pete! Did they cut out the scene Zoe and Bate were playing with the water hose? Peter looks HOT when he's wet. Hehe. Especially with his wet hair and his wet...body... :faint: Him in a tailored shirt... :faint:
I have no idea...? Haha.
Well, I wish he'd done that all these past years. I wonder who his next nang'ek will be. I think I want to see him and....Susie? Haha. Probably not, Susie's acting isn't any better than Peter's, they'd make the lakorn look awkward. HAHA.
And I LOVE your siggie ceci!!!! I LOVED that scene. I knew something like that was going to happen. Hehe.
It is totally quiet in here!! I'll fangirl and keep you company
He looks smoking at 37 :drools: and I find it so odd that most of the celebs that I love ( Anne, Ken, Janie, Chakrit etc) are all in their 30's. While its easier for the guys to act with younger actresses, Chakrit and Margie/Matt/Pream etc, I think its harder for the girls to play with a younger actor without seeming like a cougar. In thai lakorns I find it weird, yet I can watch Korean dramas with the whole noon/dongseang thing and not bat an eyelash.
I think Peter is someone who kind of grows on you, like his acting and his voice, in the beginning I found odd, but now its grown on me and I love the uniqueness of him. I wish he did more than one lakorn a year!! Maybe he's decided to branch out?? Hey he still has opportunities to act with your best ladies!! I just like it that he came from a music background and branched into acting, rather than being some hi-so kid who wanted some spare change and decided to dabble in acting.
Lol Anne suits actors around her age, but then with so many new young actors coming in, I don't think theres anymore actors for her to act with, without branching off into other channels. I do admire her for sticking with one channel for so long though.
Hahahaha I feel you, Peter in a tailored shirt :shock2: Peter in a tailored shirt or a tshirt and wet :eyetwitch: and Peter shirtless :faint: :worthy: :yummy:
Lol although him and Susie would look good together, lets not make that happen. Her total over acting and his unique style would just be