[Ch3] Nang Rai Sai Lab (Good Feeling)


sarNie Egg
Can't wait for this lakorn to air! Loving all the lakorns Margie has been in lately. She is really talented and awesome to watch.


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Ooh, this is definitely a lakorn that I'm waiting impatiently for. Peter's not classically handsome, but he has a very masculine look which makes him look very hot. :blush: The storyline is interesting, and I'm looking forward to Margie (and Peter) in action, kicking the bad guys' bottoms. Margie and Peter look great together (although they don't really match in terms of looks :D)! I'm anticpating their sexy and funny scenes. :wub: Loving all the pictures of them together. Hope that Margie doesn't get any skinnier than this, for she has a beautiful body already. :)


Agreed, Margie has been amazing lately in the lakorns she's playing in. Looking forward to her in action and waiting for her to pair w/ Mark and Nadech. :p


sarNie Adult
I can never say this enough, BUT I am so glad that Margie is here. She suit this character and it look like gonna be fun lakorn. I'm not a fan of her, but I'm glad she's in here instead of cherry. I'll give it a try for Peter.


sarNie Hatchling
 I love spy, action & romantic comedy lakorn plus Margie and Peter make a fresh pair. Therefore; I will watch this lakorn but will probably wait till it finish air first because I hate to wait every week.


sarNie Tombstone
Margie been pairing with 2 pra'ek out of the older generation first its Chakrit now Peter 
Peter his born 1976 Chakrit 1978 P'Peter his 2yrs older than P'Chakrit 