[Ch3] Nang Rai Tee Ruk (Citizen Kane)


sarNie Tombstone
new pic i don't i  think they were from yesterday filming maybe

this guy is really handsome :blush:

haha :loool: :loool: :loool: what he's wearing
cr ig duangmaan


sarNie Tombstone
Anonymous95 said:
OH MY GOODNESS, BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it a recent post?
yess it's anonymous :yes: :yes: sooooooooooooooooooooooo beautiifuulll ahhhhhh  will you my wish com true one day  :rolleyes1:  :rolleyes1:  :rolleyes1:


sarNie Oldmaid
I really think there's a high chance of Kim pairing up with Ken someday. I mean, first she's in one of his wife's produced lakorns. Next, we see a picture of Kim in between Ken and Noi. And now, duangmaan posts a fan art of Ken and Kim on her IG. I'm not saying these are hints like in Kimja's case...but everything does happen for a reason. ;)

As I've said many times already, Kim having connections to Khun Noi by being the nang'ek in one of her lakorns gives her a higher chance of working with her husband. That's not the case with every actress, but the reason I think that with Kim is because Kim already tends to pair up with older actors anyways. I've always thought she was bound to pair up with many of the popular veteran actors eventually. And this just heightens her chance of pairing up with Ken.

I never thought Ananberley would ever happen (it was pretty much impossible to me), yet they still did. So for Kenberley, I'm sure it will happen someday before Ken retires also. How awesome would it be if for 2016, Kim pairs up with both Tik and Ken (in separate lakorns of course)?!


sarNie Tombstone
Anonymous95 said:
I never thought Ananberley would ever happen (it was pretty much impossible to me), yet they still did. So for Kenberley, I'm sure it will happen someday before Ken retires also. How awesome would it be if for 2016, Kim pairs up with both Tik and Ken (in separate lakorns of course)?!
with just reading that i can be transformed in the :cloud9:  :cloud9: me too deep inside i have a faith they will pair up someday it's just a feeling but as you said most of the things happen for a reason :yes: :yes: :yes: maybe one day i will be you and i spamming here like crazy in ken and kim thread lakorn who knows :ghehe:


sarNie OldFart
The plot of this lakorn is similar to Peter and Margie's Nang Rai Sai Lub without the sai lub part. Lol. So Kim will be a fallen n'ek actress who becomes more famous as she takes on n'rai roles. However, although she constantly play rai roles, she's a true n'ek in real life while the people who play n'eks are the rai people. 


sarNie OldFart
Since Ch.3 already had a similar lakorn, I don't understand why some productions recycle a similar plot. It'd be better to not waste the new pairing and give them a new or original storyline.


sarNie Oldmaid
I like this plot, even if it may be similar to that of Nang Rai Sai Lub's. I'm just a little bummed that it's yet another rom/com for Kimmy. The story would've been much better and more interesting had it been a romance/drama/action. I like the whole idea of a bodyguard working for a high-class woman and eventually falling in love with her, but their love is forbidden. But because this is a rom/com, it'll most likely be more funny and light hearted than romantic and heart wrenching.


sarNie Oldmaid
Duangmaan said she will be writing a novel of Ken and Kim. Maybe it'll be turned into a lakorn someday too. :coverlaf:


sarNie Tombstone
well for me i want to see kim in this role and about the romantic/comedy part i believe the only pure comedy one kim did is pckk,  ton ruk rim rua was light romance it's wasn't comedy for me and her role didn't play comedy , but for ARO i think it will be some comedy for her maybe will do comedy scene with anne probably so for that we have to wait and see and finally tiger is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy too dramatic and action, and finally i don't think kim will be soo comedy in here the description of her character don't give that vibe maybe boy will have more comedy scene so i don't consider this lakorn a romantic comedy i will call it romantic with light drama   and don't forget their's a ghost in the story too


Staff member
Mahalo said:
The plot of this lakorn is similar to Peter and Margie's Nang Rai Sai Lub without the sai lub part. Lol. So Kim will be a fallen n'ek actress who becomes more famous as she takes on n'rai roles. However, although she constantly play rai roles, she's a true n'ek in real life while the people who play n'eks are the rai people. 
You serious... ugh... I actually LOVED Margie & Peter's lakorn... ugh.. why must they do this to me?  gahhhh...  Thank you though Mahalo :)


sarNie Oldmaid
From the BTS videos so far, I'm getting the vibe that this will be more of a rom/com than a romantic drama with light action. Kim has had 4 rom/coms already. 3NNT, PCKK, TRRR and ABO. This will be her fifth one.

The ghost will probably be her sister and she'll probably just be coming back to reveal who her killer was to Kim. The main genre, however, is romance and comedy. It was mentioned in two BTS videos too.

I still like the plot. I just would've liked it more if it were a more serious genre.


sarNie Tombstone
i don't agree with you girl about 3NNT and TRRR those two was for me just romantic no comedy and no drama the two of them they main idea was turning  about the story "when a man had a secret love and his love woman doesn't know about it" 
i went back to some bts of the fitting and the announcer in the min 0:12 she said "this lakorn's flavorful ,  dram,action,romance love so the comedy part is veryyyy liiitle maybe some scene here and there :ghehe: