[Ch3] Nang Rai Tee Ruk (Citizen Kane)


peace said:
with cap if a kind member can translate for us ชีวิตดาวพระศุกร์  #กระเป๋าแดงเขียว
The life of Daoprasook. red and green bag. With golden hair... awesome.
LOL. I think that's what it says. If I'm wrong, someone do correct me. :)


sarNie Tombstone
Bieluvr said:
The life of Daoprasook. red and green bag. With golden hair... awesome.
LOL. I think that's what it says. If I'm wrong, someone do correct me. :)
thank youuuu for translation Bieluvr :thanks: is confusing why will they tag that  :scratchhead2:  this lakorn we can't expect what will happen until it air :faint:
time i go to the world of art with the piece of art this pic is soooo romantic feeling i don't know how to describe it , sooo special :spin: :spin: :spin: kim look like a heroine in the world of fairy tale in the novels, sooo beautiful  

they will have a flash back i think with these kids  :scratchhead2:

cr ig bannyying 


sarNie Tombstone
FINALLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY BTS  of new scenes and what yardh will turn out bad :shock2: kimbo off_screen so cute :p the bodyguard i s always there for her CAN'T WAIT start min 3:02


OUTCHHHHH straight in the water


sarNie Tombstone
awwwwwwwwww that portrait is soooo beautiful :heart: they don't like each other haha

filming today 


cr onenung06