:woot2: :woot: :drools: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
actually this is what i want to be doing right now :weee: :weee: :weee: *GRRRRRRRIIIEEEEEEDDDDDD!!!!!!
Mteam! Mteam Mteam!
so bloody cute! gggggggggrrrrrrriiiiiieeeeeddddddddd.
"Chun Fin marrrkkk!!!!!!!! Mteam Na ruk dai eak! love, love markkkkk!" thanks so much MINT, ruk na!!!
first of all...awwww Mark got shot! wonder if he was protecting Chalida ...eheheheh.
She looks gorgeous so pretty! He looks great too.
appleberry is now officially my fav behind/makeup person...ehehhehheeh....she always posts the best pics of Mteam!
really love the one where he staring at her so closely... :heart: :heart: x1000000
the one with be Oui, (the director) and the phone hanging on his hand. if i remember correctly that's Chalida's phone. it's cute! i like it, i want one like that...the case.
i love the silly, child/boy side of Mark the most. =)
Chalida always seems to have someone else in the pic.
after theses photo's December is waaaaaaayyyyyyyy tooooo lonnngggggggggg of a wait!
oh i swear on one of the balloons, it says I LOVE YOU!...but i can't read the top half of the balloon....