[Ch3] Neua Mek 2 (Medta Lae Mahaniyom)


sarNie OldFart
They are totes in love hahaah <3
They are the happiest when together I swear
Look at their hands ><
The littlest things ahhhhh

Truly a couple <3



sarNie Adult
awww M&M cute as usual hahaha. What are they doing? Rehearsing their scripts? or is Mint studying or something? questions and mysteries. what mteam is usually about. lols!


sarNie Adult
Looks like they're going over the script. His knee is touching her leg Haahahah intimate :) p'mak looks like Khun Pathapee in this pic. Oiii kt Khun Pathapee and Cher-Am
i thought i was the only one who thought that lol
Love how they always have body contact!
lol ikr!
hmm.. I read somewhere i think on the internet or my textbook (maybe both i forget) that when someone has a crush on a person he or she will try to make body contact very closely. I think that's kind of true because I used to do that when i was single and had a crush on someone. My friends and cousins do that too. But although I can't say Mark or Mint like each other in that way because we don't know.
lol i see Mark's leg in the background. that boy sure likes laying down
credit to their original owners


i thought i was the only one who thought that lol

lol ikr!
hmm.. I read somewhere i think on the internet or my textbook (maybe both i forget) that when someone has a crush on a person he or she will try to make body contact very closely. I think that's kind of true because I used to do that when i was single and had a crush on someone. My friends and cousins do that too. But although I can't say Mark or Mint like each other in that way because we don't know.
If there are people who can shamelessly say a pair is dating even though they are also ignorant, then you can also say mteam like each other even though you also "don't know."

Seriously people. Learn how to trust your own experiences and judgments and cease this suceptibility towards the meddlesome and discouraging whispers and chatters of petty people.

Sorry. Just ramblings and way off-topic. Out of the blue too.

Short post, nothing much.




sarNie Adult
If there are people who can shamelessly say a pair is dating even though they are also ignorant, then you can also say mteam like each other even though you also "don't know."

Seriously people. Learn how to trust your own experiences and judgments and cease this suceptibility towards the meddlesome and discouraging whispers and chatters of petty people.

Sorry. Just ramblings and way off-topic. Out of the blue too.

Short post, nothing much.


Thanks for the link! :D and what? :scratchhead2: I dont get it? Sorry I'm just a teenager so I get confused when it comes to things like this. But thanks for the link.


sarNie Adult
Is there a misunderstanding? :scratchhead2: If there is then I'd like to clarify: I think it's kind of true that some people (not talking about mteam here yet) who has a crush on a person will try to make body contact. And so far mteam has been intimate by mind and actions. But I can't say mteam like each other or dislike each other in the relationship way (like bf/gf). I always describe them as intimate. I don't know their true feelings for each other because I'm not them so I can't say anything at all. Therefor, I am also confused myself?


It's okay, babe. Don't think too much about it. ;) I think you will learn to have more confidence in your opinions as you mature. Then you will also vocalize it in such a way that doesn't come off as doubtful or half-hearted. I am just being blunt. I don't mean to cause any misunderstanding na. <3

Link. Just because I always have to post something else besides my own say so. Just some gossips recently and in the far past.



sarNie Adult
It's okay, babe. Don't think too much about it. ;) I think you will learn to have more confidence in your opinions as you mature. Then you will also vocalize it in such a way that doesn't come off as doubtful or half-hearted. I am just being blunt. I don't mean to cause any misunderstanding na. <3

Link. Just because I always have to post something else besides my own say so. Just some gossips recently and in the far past.

Thank you. I can tell you are very wise and mature. :D And thanks for the link again.


I can also tell you are very sweet ja. Pardon me for being too blunt sometimes. ... why are we throwing compliments anyway? Hahaha.

Anyway. Have anyone seen Margie on Tonight Show yet? She told many stories. If you're a Bargie fan, MTEAM fan, and Kimberley fan, I think you would enjoy them.

A few of us knew all along that MTEAM be hanging out. But it's nice to hear from the gang leader - Margie. Lol.

My recaps:
